
They’re Baaaack! – CCPA Release 2

Californians for Consumer Privacy, an advocacy group that started the push for CCPA is back again, pushing for a ballot initiative this time. You may remember that they got enough signatures two years ago and only by some amazing gymnastics did the legislature pass CCPA.

The group says that they have enough signatures to get the new measure on the ballot and have submitted the initiative to Sacramento.

Here is some of what the new ballot measure proposes:

  • Create a new agency to protect and enforce the new rights and provide clear guidance to both consumers and businesses
  • The tech titans have been trying to delay the enforcement of the current CCPA until next year due to Covid-19
  • The new ballot measure adds new rights including on the sale and use of sensitive personal data such as health and financial information.
  • It requires an opt-in to collect such data
  • It triples the fines for breaking the rules surrounding data on children under 16
  • It requires that Californians be informed when their data is used to make fundamental decisions like credit

To get on the ballot requires 620,000 signatures; they have collected 900,000 signatures.

A recent poll says that 88% of the respondents would vote FOR a new privacy measure.

Last time MacTaggart, the developer who pushed for the original ballot measure, accepted a compromise from the legislature, but indications are that this time, he won’t. However, life is always negotiable.

One reason for the ballot measure is to force the creation of a new agency to enforce the law. The current AG has been, at best, lukewarm to enforcing the existing law.

Get your popcorn out; this is going to be a real battle. Credit: The Register

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