
Operation HAECHI IV – Worth Talking About

I don’t usually blog about an individual hacker takedown but this one – it is worth talking about. Certainly not the end of hacking but a significant win for the federales. Last month Interpol talked about Operation HAECHI IV. It was a six month takedown effort that involved 34 countries and funding from South Korea. […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 29, 2023

AI and the End of Privacy A couple of Stanford grad students have written an AI app that using a very small dataset (400,000 images) can detect your location. PIGEON, as the project is called, can predict the country of the image with 92 percent accuracy and provide location within 25 kilometers in 40 percent […]

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Feds Indict 80 in Romance Fraud Scheme

I was talking to an Assistant US Attorney (AUSA) last week and he told me that romance scams (where a scam artist cons usually older people out of their life’s savings pretending to be romantically interested in the victim) is the second largest cyber attack reported to the Feds.  Given the announcement below, I guess […]

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