
Security News for the Week Ending December 29, 2023

AI and the End of Privacy A couple of Stanford grad students have written an AI app that using a very small dataset (400,000 images) can detect your location. PIGEON, as the project is called, can predict the country of the image with 92 percent accuracy and provide location within 25 kilometers in 40 percent […]

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Encryption – The Devil Is In The Details – Listen Up Whatsapp and iMessage

Jonathan Zdziarski wrote about an implementation challenge for the security conscious among us.  While Whatsapp does delete the message when you tell it to, it leaves artifacts behind.  Whatsapp and other phone apps use the SQLLite database.  SQLLite, likely to reduce wear in your phone’s memory, doesn’t actually delete the message, but rather just marks […]

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Update Your iPhones and Macs to Fix This HUUUGE Bug

About a year ago, Android users were fighting something called the Stagefright bug.  Buried deep in the bowels of the operating system was a series of bugs that would allow an attacker to send you a specially crafted text message and take over your Android phone.  Stagefright affected close to a billion phones in the […]

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