In the ever escalating attacks against undersea critical infrastructure such as power cables, Internet cables and oil pipelines, the battle continues to heat up. You may remember the Nordstream pipelines between Russia and Europe that were disabled by explosions against the Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines in 2022. Given the war in Ukraine and sanctions […]
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I bet this shows up as a surprise to exactly no one. There are at least 600 undersea fiber lines that connect the world. While these two going away at roughly the same time is annoying, the Internet is quite resilient. However, depending on WHICH fiber lines are cut, the problems can be more severe. […]
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Utah Sues TikTok for Getting Children Addicted Apparently Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter are not addictive since Utah has singled out TikTok to sue for being addictive. They also say that TikTok deceptively obscures its relationship with ByteDance. Indiana made similar allegations and Montana banned the app completely. This will take years, if not a decade […]
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The most recent distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) meant that most people could not get to Twitter. While that was awful and may have forced a few people to actually work instead of tweeting, for the most part, that was not a big deal. In fairness to the DYN attack, there were actually hundreds […]
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