
Defense Contractor Breach and National Security

The Department of Defense has been trying for ten years now to shore up the security of defense contractors but still has not gotten new regulations passed. Here is one example of why they are needed. Desparately. The breach against defense contractor Acuity, Inc. happened last month. The data was being sold for only $3,000 […]

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Security News Update for the Week Ending April 5, 2024

DoD Opens Cyber Policy Office As reported earlier, the planned opening of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy officially happened on March 20th. Ashley Manning will manage it until the Senate confirms someone else. President Biden announced that his nominee will be Michael Sulmeyer. Whether the Senate confirms him or […]

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DoD Just “Upped” The Cybersecurity Game for Defense Contractors

If you are a defense contractor – prime, sub or vendor to one of these and you were hoping that CMMC was going to go away, I don’t think that is going to happen – at least not on this president’s watch. Even if the party in power changes in January, I don’t much will […]

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Security News for the Week Ending March 29, 2024

Mozilla Drops Onerep After CEO Admits to Running People-Search Networks Either Mozilla didn’t run much of a background check or Onerep’s CEO is great at hiding his other businesses. Mozilla hired him to provide identity protection services, but it turns out that he runs dozens of sites that provide dirt on people. Not exactly compatible […]

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DoD Contractors: Will You Have to Replace Your MSP?

If you are a defense contractor, then over the next few years you will likely have to be compliant and maybe certified for CMMC, either at level one or level two. Level one has about 17 controls and 59 assessment objectives; level two has 110 controls and about 315 assessment objectives. Assessment objectives are the […]

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