We already know that water plants (another one in Kansas was attacked this week), power and healthcare are under constant attack. The industries and the government are paying attention to these with some limited success, but at least it is on everyone’s radar. One sector that has tried to stay out of the spotlight but […]
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Health and Human Services (HHS) says it is planning to take a range of actions to reduce cyberattacks on hospitals which have gone a bit crazy in the last few years. They released the proposal yesterday. The plan is to tie the new cybersecurity requirements through the Medicare and Medicaid programs, tying payments to baseline […]
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You may have heard that Russians with cyber expertise have been leaving the country by the tens of thousands. That represents a big problem for the Kremlin. Russian companies, no different than U.S. companies, need cyber talent to operate their businesses. In addition, especially now, they need cybersecurity talent to protect their businesses – and […]
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Five years after the Pentagon demanded that every weapon system include the requirement that it be able to function in the face of Russian and Chinese cyber attacks, many major weapons systems don’t even include cybersecurity as a key performance parameter, never mind actually working under those conditions. This means that all our adversaries need […]
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After a horrifying independent review of the Navy’s current cybersecurity posture, the Navy asked Congress to approve a new position of Assistant Secretary of the Navy to handle cyber. This comes after the Navy eliminated the role of CIO last year. Congress turned them down, so now they are going around Congress to create a […]
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It is old news that Jeff Bezos was caught cheating on his (soon to be ex-) wife. That isn’t terribly unique news. Powerful men seem to do that a lot. At this point it is still somewhat murky as to how AMI, parent of the National Enquirer, obtained pictures that Jeff shared with his girlfriend. […]
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