
Prez Tells States You Are On Your Own for Cybersecurity – No Money to Help

Yesterday the president signed an EO planning a new National Resilience Strategy letting the states figure out how to protect themselves. This includes both cyber disasters and other physical disasters. The order says that state and local governments AND INDIVIDUALS play a “more active and significant role” in national resilience and preparedness. This comes after […]

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EPA Says 300 Drinking Water Systems Vulnerable

The EPA tested 1,062 drinking water systems that server over 193 million Americans. That is about 60 percent of the population. However, there are 149,000 drinking water systems in the United States. So that is about 0.7 percent of all of the drinking water systems in the US. A lot of them serve really small […]

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NY Forces Hospitals to Improve Cybersecurity

Unfortunately, this may be the only way to get some businesses to improve their cybersecurity practices. Hew York is using its regulation of financial services firms as a model to regulate the security of its 152 “General” hospitals. Those are hospitals that  “provide medical or medical and surgical services primarily to in-patients by or under […]

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Are Railroads the Next Infrastructure Attack?

We already know that water plants (another one in Kansas was attacked this week), power and healthcare are under constant attack. The industries and the government are paying attention to these with some limited success, but at least it is on everyone’s radar. One sector that has tried to stay out of the spotlight but […]

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Feds Propose New Security Regs for Hospitals to Get Medicare/Medicaid $

Health and Human Services (HHS) says it is planning to take a range of actions to reduce cyberattacks on hospitals which have gone a bit crazy in the last few years. They released the proposal yesterday. The plan is to tie the new cybersecurity requirements through the Medicare and Medicaid programs, tying payments to baseline […]

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Russia Has a Cure to Their Cyber Talent Shortage

You may have heard that Russians with cyber expertise have been leaving the country by the tens of thousands. That represents a big problem for the Kremlin. Russian companies, no different than U.S. companies, need cyber talent to operate their businesses. In addition, especially now, they need cybersecurity talent to protect their businesses – and […]

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