
Security News for the Week Ending September 25, 2020

GAO Tells Treasury: Track Cyber Risk in Financial Sector

The GAO told Treasury to work with Homeland Security to better track cyber risk in the financial sector.

The GAO says that Treasury does not track efforts or prioritize them. The “sector specific” security plan was last updated in 2016 and, of course, most of the tens of trillions of dollars of assets belong to private companies.

Not only that but Treasury has not implemented the recommendations from the last audit. Credit: Meritalk

Trump Campaign Spent $4 Million to Buy Your Location Data

The Trump campaign spent $4 million buying data on voters, including location, from a data broker named Phunware. The company makes a software development kit that developers can use to collect your data, including location, and sell it to data brokers. Nothing illegal, but lucrative for the app developers and useful for political campaigns and others. Credit: Vice

Google and Amazon – Both Can Be Un-Secure

We always talk about Amazon S3 storage buckets being configured in an un-secure manner, leaking data. Researchers say that 6 percent of a sample of Google storage buckets are also configured so that the wrong people can read from or write to it. Documents they were able to read include passports and birth certificates. Just like with Amazon, Google will disavow any responsibility if you mis-configure your storage. Bottom line – test your security regularly and do not assume that anything is secure. Credit: Threatpost

Russia and China, Oh, My! (Hacking)

While the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue continues to put pressure on China, he is not putting pressure on Russia and they are definitely going after us.

The Russian government hacking group known as APT28 or Fancy Bear is sending out fake NATO training materials laced with hard to detect Zebrocy Delphi malware. The email attachment has a zipx file extension. At the time researchers got a copy of the malware only 3 virus products detected it. It seems like with this campaign, the Ruskies are going after government computers, but there is always collateral damage. Credit: Bleeping Computer

At the same time, the FBI says that the Chinese are still actively going after Covid-19 research, including vaccines. After all, it is easier to steal a vaccine than to develop and test one. The Chinese read the newspapers, see who is claiming interesting stuff, and then try to hack them and steal their information. They are not alone. Russia and Iran are also trying to steal research and vaccine info. Credit: MSN

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