
News Bites for the Week Ending December 7, 2018

Australian Parliament Passes Crypto Back Door Law Overnight Politics always wins.  After the Prime Minister said that the opposition party was supporting terrorism, the opposition completely folded after claiming that Parliament would implement amendments after the first of the year. Since politicians lie about 99.99% of the time, the party in power is now saying […]

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Guess Who Developed Malware That Tried to Blow Up a Saudi Refinery?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is new to consumers.  We think of Nest thermostats and Internet connected baby monitors.  That is true and they cause enough grief out there like last year when they took down parts of Amazon and Twitter (and hundreds of other sites)  when malware attacked these poorly protected devices and used […]

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The Consequences Of Not Having Cyber Breach Insurance

The Athens Orthopedic Clinic in Georgia suffered a breach in June of this year.  Even though they discovered the breach within two weeks of it occurring, the hackers made off with information on 200,000 current and former patients.  The information taken includes names, addresses, socials, birth dates, phone numbers, diagnoses and medical histories. One of […]

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