
Security News Bites for January 24, 2025

Great AI Tool With a Large Dose of Chinese Propaganda and Censorship If you want a very high performing and very low cost AI model, likely subsidized by the Chinese Communist Party, that meets or beats OpenAI and are willing to tolerate Chinese propaganda and censorship, have I got a piece of software for you. […]

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Security News Update for the Week Ending May 24, 2024

DocuFakes on the Rise Hackers have figured out that anything that you do on autopilot is fertile ground for using to hack you. Case in point is Docusign. For some people, they sign so many docusign documents that they operate on autopilot when they see one. The hackers have really good templates, so that helps. […]

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SURPRISE: GPT-4 Can Exploit Unpatched Vulnerabilities

Who would have guessed? Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) fed AI agents vague descriptions of more than a dozen unpatched vulnerabilities. The agent they created with GPT-4 exploited 87 percent of those vulnerabilities. Fourteen other agents made with lesser tools like GPT 3.5 and Metasploit failed. The researchers said that GPT-4 was […]

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Two Major Hotel Chains Hit by Cyberattacks – Two Different Outcomes

Caesars Entertainment, which calls itself the U.S.’s largest casino chain, sort of says it paid a ransom to avoid the online leak of customer data stolen in a recent cyberattack. The attack compromised the chain’s loyalty database, which, according to them, includes driver’s license numbers and social security numbers of many customers. Caesar’s 8-K filed […]

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Media Calls Twitter ‘Dying Social Media Platform as Humans Flee’

Twitter’s traffic has been plummeting since the launch of Threads according to Vice, but they say that what has been increasing on the platform is the number of bizarre spam accounts hawking questionable wares. Since anyone can now buy a checkmark, these spammers have been doing that and advertising overpriced decorative items and household items. […]

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Security News Update for March 31st, 2023

Twitter to Open-Source Recommendation Algorithm Not related to the announcement that some of their code was stolen last year and posted on GitHub, Twitter says they plan to publish their recommendation algorithm, which they say, no one left at the company understands. They say this will likely be embarrassing, but good for users. They also […]

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