NEW LOG4J JAVA LIBRARY ZERO-DAY IS BEING EXPLOITED IN THE WILD A proof of concept for a zero-day vulnerability in the very popular Apache Log4j Java library is being shared online. Log4j is used both in enterprises and in cloud services. Products from Apple, Amazon, Twitter and Steam, among others may be vulnerable to remote […]
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Australia Proposes Law To Force Online Platforms to Disclose User Info Australia plans to introduce legislation that will force social media companies to either take down posts that people don’t like or hand over their user’s information. This isn’t law yet, but I can easily see how this will be gamed. This comes in the […]
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Why? Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence! For those of you who are not familiar with MI-6, even via a somewhat romanticized version in James Bond movies, MI-6 is Britain’s spy agency. Working along MI-5 and GCHQ, their goal is to protect Britain from the bad guys. MI-6, similar to our CIA, prefers to stay in […]
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While arresting 1,000 people in a four month long operation is a significant feat, it is likely mostly very low level people that they caught. They also recovered $27 million in proceeds. Given that the estimate is that Internet crime will cost us $10 trillion a year by 2025, recovering $27 million doesn’t seem like […]
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Tesla Locks Owners Out of Cars – On Accident Hundreds of Tesla owners got locked out of their cars when a server that powers the Tesla app crashed due to load. Apparently those owners forgot there is such a thing as a car key. The outage lasted about 5 hours and Elon Musk later tweeted […]
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China’s policymaking body, the Central Comprehensively Deepening Reforms Commission (I did not make up this name) approved a plan yesterday for developing home grown science and technology with an eye toward self-sufficiency. According to a press release by the state run news agency, Xi said that while China has made substantial progress in trying to […]
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