
Disney+’s “I Agree” May Stop You From Suing if you Die at DisneyWorld

One downside of these mega mergers is that things that have nothing to do with each other are now totally related to each other. Two recent cases. Jeffrey Piccolo filed a lawsuit after his wife, Karen, died at a Disney owned restaurant in Florida. She had a fatal reaction to the food after being assured […]

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Security News Update for November 1, 2024

Russian Court Fines Google 2 Undecillion Rubles for Blocking YouTube Accounts This is a case of YouTube blocking several Russian TV stations’ YouTube accounts. They are being fined by Russia’s anti-monopoly service from failing to restore the accounts. Google was fined, back in 2020, 100 thousand rubles a day with the fine doubling every week […]

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Your Digital Exhaust **IS** Being Hoovered Up

What is your digital exhaust? It is all the clues you leave behind as you navigate your digital journey. Whether it is location data that you give to a game or a cell phone tower that you ping off of. Or that box you checked without reading when you installed that app. They all are […]

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Feds Trying to Figure Out Liability for Software Bugs

The Cyberspace Solarium Commission created a list six years ago of things the government should be doing with regard to cybersecurity policy. The commission made 82 recommendations and each year some of them have been enacted into law, usually as part of the national defense authorization act (NDAA), a must pass bill that funds the […]

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Security News Update for October 18, 2024

Now North Korea Using Fake IT Workers to Extort Employers Scams evolve. Now that the scam concept is public, North Korea is pivoting. They are extorting the companies that hire these North Koreans as IT employees after the employees steal corporate secrets. Read the details here. SURPRISE! (Not) – OpenAI Confirms Attackers use ChatGPT to […]

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Will Your DNA Data be Sold Soon?

15 million people trusted 23andMe with their DNA data. Their privacy policy says how they will use your data. Sort of. After all, lawyers wrote it. 23andMe is, to be polite, having a bit of a financial challenge. The stock is about to be delisted. It shut down its in-house drug development unit last month. […]

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