You probably haven’t thought about this if you are privately owned. You might not even heard about it. Effective September 5th, publicly traded companies have four business days to disclose a material breach. That disclosure, on a form 8-K, will be publicly available on the SEC’s EDGAR public company reporting site. The same place they […]
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Coalition Insurance, which is pretty aggressive in refusing to insure customers unless they have better than average security practices released their mid-year update on claims. Here is the summary: Overall claims frequency increased by 12% in the first half of 2023, however, Coalition customers experienced 64% fewer claims compared to the broader market, with 52% […]
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That doesn’t mean they will stop trying. Going back to the 1990s and the Communications Decency Act, and then the Child Online Protection Act in 1998, the Supremes keep saying that it is not the government’s role to regulate speech. Of course the government only tries to regulate speech that is unpopular, whether it is […]
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The help desk was operated by a third party. The hackers conned the help desk, it is reported, to reset all of the two factor methods that were set up to protect a super-admin account. They likely did this after they phished an employee for his/her userid and password. They used deceptive phone calls to […]
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Ex-NSA Director General Alexander’s Security Company (IronNet) Near Bankruptcy It just goes to show that just because you are famous and people invest $78 million in you, doesn’t mean you know how to run a business. How, exactly, do you blow almost $80 million and realize you are over the edge of the cliff before […]
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73 percent of survey respondents (659 board members from companies with over 5,000 employees) fear a material cyberattack on their organization this year, up from 65 percent last year. 59 percent said that generative AI presents a high risk to their organizations because it can be used by hackers to create and deliver malware with […]
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