
Surprise: FTC Exposes Massive Surveillance of Kids, Teens by Social Media Giants

The FTC has been investigating Amazon (Twitch), Meta (Facebook), YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, Discord, Reddit and Whatsapp (Meta). The probe began in 2020 investigating their data collection methods, how they track personal and demographic info and the impact of that on kids. FOUR YEARS into it, the FTC released a report. FTC chair Lina Khan […]

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Cyber-Physical Hacks

Historically, we have physical universe attacks like Columbine or Gaza and the many variants in between. Then we have the cyber universe attacks like Caesar’s Casino and Crowdstrike (which was a cyber incident but not an attack). But more recently, we have begun to see cyber-physical attacks. The Colonial Pipeline attack that shut down the […]

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For those of you who contract to the DoD or Department of Education – or are a vendor to those who are, this will apply to you sooner; for other executive branch agencies, it will take a little longer. The section of Title 32, the part of the Code of Federal Regulations that the DoD […]

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Security News Update for September 13, 2024

Unregistered Crypto Trading Platform Settles with the SEC the eToro stock and crypto trading platform settled with the SEC for $1.5 million and agreed to restrict their services for US customers. They were charged with running and unregistered broker and unregistered clearing agency. The feds are slow and there are a lot of crooks, but […]

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TD Bank Fined $28 Mil for Sending Incorrect Data to Credit Bureaus

People’s credit reports are very important. They affect the ability to get a loan and also the interest rates they pay. In some cases, they would no longer be able to get a mortgage. or get a job. The Consumer Financial Protection bureau (CFPB) says that the bank’s conduct harmed hundreds of thousands of consumers. […]

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NFL Discovers Not Everyone Loves Facial Recognition

The NFL wants to improve security. That is probably a good concept. As a result, they are shifting away from ID cards, which are easily forged or stolen to facial recognition. But not everyone is happy. The NFL wants all personnel, including cops providing security, to provide them with facial scans to get into sensitive […]

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