
What IS a Software Bill of Materials Anyway?

The feds are pushing pretty hard to get software makers to create and manage Software Bills of Materials or SBoMs. What the heck is an an SBoM anyway and why is it important. A very non-technical comparison would be the list of ingredients in packaged food. Let’s say you are allergic to some food, say […]

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Businesses Losing Customers due to Connected Products Security Concerns

59% of cybersecurity executives at large and medium organizations say that they have LOST business due to product security concerns for connected and embedded devices. 45% say that customers want detailed information about what is in their devices, but only 11% of companies have high confidence that they can do that, even if they want […]

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SBoM is NOT a Four Letter Word

I have been ranting about Software Bills of Material or SBoM for a while. This week I have two examples of why this is important – even critical. The first story is about a TCP/IP network stack and the vulnerability is called Amnesia:33. It impacts four open source libraries – uIP, FNET, picoTCP and Nut/Net. […]

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