NBC is reporting that the Intelligence Community developed substantial evidence that Russian financed attackers compromised the voter registration systems or web sites of seven states to different degrees. Up until this time DHS has been completely mum about this, saying absolutely nothing. But now NBC is reporting that the seven states are Alaska, Arizona, California, […]
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If I seem a bit skeptical, that is because I am. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced yesterday that the Justice Department is going to form a committee to study the subject. Last week the leaders of several of the branches of the Intelligence Community testified before Congress saying, publicly, that the Russians did interfere with […]
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The universe is an interesting place. While the Senate and House, among others, are trying to figure out how much damage Russia did during last year’s election cycle, Cisco and others are sharing their source code with the people who supposedly hacked us. Seem strange? It is! Here is the story. For some countries, including […]
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LinkedIn is becoming LinkedOut, at least in Russia. Our friend Vladimir Putin passed a law in 2014 that said that any company that operates in Russia needs to store it’s user’s data in country. Most U.S. companies protested against it, although it is believed that a few have an architecture that allows them to do […]
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A few months ago Apple and the FBI seemed to be locked in a fight to the death over a request to unlock a phone belonging to the now dead San Bernadino shooter. The FBi attempted to use the 18th century All Writs Act to get Apple to write new software that undermined the security […]
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I wrote about an attack on hotel routers a few weeks ago (see post). Today, I heard more details on the attack. ANTlabs InnGate router, used by many hotel chains (see advisory), was configured incorrectly. This configuration error allowed anyone to read or write any file in the router, thereby easily owning that router and […]
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