
Security News for the Week Ending July 3, 2020

Apple Likely to Make Charger, Earphones Extra on Next iPhone Before everyone goes crazy, first this is a rumor – a likely accurate rumor, but a rumor, and second, it is likely aligned with the EU’s directive to reduce electronic waste. Your old charger and old earphones probably still work and if, say, 50% of […]

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Tips to Keep Remote Workers Safe(Safer)

As my son likes to say, nothing it bulletproof – it all depends on the size of the bullet.  Likewise, nothing is 100% secure (except the computer that has never been taken out of the box)  but your actions can improve the odds dramatically. Here are some recommendations from Dark Reading.  Most people will pick […]

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Survey Says: Americans Concerned About Data Collection Practices

Well maybe not concerned enough to change their practices, but concerned. When asked if their data is more secure, less secure or about the same as compared to five years ago, 70 percent said their data was less secure.  6 percent said it was more secure. On the side of “gee, you mean I have […]

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The Internet of Things is Still a Privacy Dumpster Fire

No, not literally, but close. Researchers investigated 81 Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart TVs or security cameras. The researchers ran 34,000+ experiments and found that 72 of those devices contacted someone other than the manufacturer.  For example, almost all of the TVs contacted Netflix, even if you don’t have a Netflix account.  For […]

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