The NFL wants to improve security. That is probably a good concept. As a result, they are shifting away from ID cards, which are easily forged or stolen to facial recognition. But not everyone is happy. The NFL wants all personnel, including cops providing security, to provide them with facial scans to get into sensitive […]
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But everyone does it, right? The Irish Data Protection Commission asked the High Court of Ireland in Dublin to stop the social media company from using customer data to train its large language model. Twitter added a setting last month, which defaults to enabled, that allows it to use any user data to train its […]
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We see this problem too often. It is because web site operators don’t really understand the impact of their actions in many cases. More importantly, this may impact you and your web site. Okay, lets talk about what the Postal Service did. Magazine publisher Tech Crunch discovered that the USPS was sharing customers’ information with […]
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Speculative Execution Raises its Ugly Head Again Speculative execution is a type of attack that exploits bugs or features in Intel, AMD and Arm processors that try to squeeze that last ounce of juice out of that processor in your computer or phone. This family of attacks has been around for years. A famous one […]
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The American Privacy Rights Act bill has been contentious from the start. Businesses would definitely prefer a national privacy law replacing different laws in almost 20 states. They would also prefer a weak bill with no teeth and very minimal requirements for them to comply with. With the changes to the various drafts, many privacy […]
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Last month in a bit of a crazed hurry, Congress approved the renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Section 702 came out of 9-11 and our lack of intelligence. I know you can’t use government and intelligence in the same paragraph without laughing, but stick with me. But Congress didn’t […]
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