
NFL Discovers Not Everyone Loves Facial Recognition

The NFL wants to improve security. That is probably a good concept. As a result, they are shifting away from ID cards, which are easily forged or stolen to facial recognition. But not everyone is happy. The NFL wants all personnel, including cops providing security, to provide them with facial scans to get into sensitive […]

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Security News for the Week Ending March 8, 2024

Hacking and Stealing Your Car From the Outside Through Your Headlight Apparently this is real. Crooks can pop off the headlight trim on some cars and get access to the cables to your “smart” headlights. From there they have access to the data bus called the CAN bus and from there they can unlock and […]

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Security News for the Week Ending September 17, 2021

LA Police Collected Social Media Account Info From People They Talked To I’m sure they were just curious. The LA police watchdog says that officers were instructed to collect civilians’ social media details when they interviewed them. An Email from the Chief dating back to 2015. He said it could be beneficial to investigations and […]

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