
Security News for the Week Ending November 3, 2023

Meta Launches Paid Facebook/Instagram Option in EU To satisfy EU privacy laws, Meta is going to offer an ad free paid version of Facebook and Instagram in the EU/EEA and Switzerland for (e ) 9.99 on the web and (e ) 12.99 for the apps since the have to give the app store 30 percent. […]

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Meta Fighting GDPR but Losing

Norway fined Meta for its targeted advertising practices and issued a temporary ban several months ago. Now Norway has gone to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and asked for the ban to be made permanent and EU/EEA wide. Since Facebook makes most of its money from targeted ads and untargeted ads fetch a dramatically […]

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Security News for the Week Ending January 6, 2023

Welcome 2023! Hopefully, it will be better for cybersecurity. Hopefully. More FTX Cybercrime The DoJ has launched yet another criminal probe in the bizarre FTX bankruptcy. This represents about $375 million out of the billions lost, but it looks like this theft took place right after the bankruptcy became public. Credit: MSN Slack Joins Okta […]

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