
Security News for the Week Ending January 13, 2023

What Could Possibly Go Wrong – Cali’s Digital License Plates Hacked A team of security researchers managed to gain “super administrative access” into Reviver, the company behind California’s new digital license plates which launched last year. That access allowed them to track the physical GPS location of all Reviver customers and change a section of […]

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Security News for the Week Ending March 11, 2022

Trump is Not Happy About Launch of Twitter-Like Truth Social Apparently not happy is a bit of an understatement. He has a lot to lose if this is not successful. As part of the SPAC deal with Digital World, he has a lot of shares. If the stock, which is still going up slowly, tanks, […]

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Security News for the Week Ending Feb. 11, 2022

Google Decreased Account Takeovers by 50% by Mandating 2FA Late last year Google forced about a hundred fifty million users to start using multi-factor authentication. What results did they see? Account takeovers in that group were reduced by 50%. Google has previously said that only 10% of their users were using MFA. Now they are […]

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Security News for the Week Ending April 23, 2021

USTRANSCOM Starts CMMC Lite Now The DoD’s transportation command, the folks who are in charge of getting all the stuff that the military needs from where it is to where it needs to be, has announced that they are implementing a light version of CMMC NOW instead of waiting for the five years that it […]

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