
Texas AG Continues Battle Against Big Tech Using Privacy Laws

Those of you who regularly read this blog know that I am not a friend of Texas AG Ken Paxton but in this case I say GO FOR IT! In December he opened investigations into 15 technology companies regarding their privacy and safety practices for minors, using the SCOPE law and the Texas Data Privacy […]

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Security News for the Week Ending Feb. 11, 2022

Google Decreased Account Takeovers by 50% by Mandating 2FA Late last year Google forced about a hundred fifty million users to start using multi-factor authentication. What results did they see? Account takeovers in that group were reduced by 50%. Google has previously said that only 10% of their users were using MFA. Now they are […]

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Senate Reverses FCC Rule on ISP Privacy Requirements

Last year the FCC proposed a rule requiring Internet Providers to get your permission before selling your data.  The rule was set to go into effect in April.  The large ISPs – AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and others – didn’t like this rule since it affected their revenue.  They said that Facebook and Google didn’t need […]

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