While arresting 1,000 people in a four month long operation is a significant feat, it is likely mostly very low level people that they caught. They also recovered $27 million in proceeds. Given that the estimate is that Internet crime will cost us $10 trillion a year by 2025, recovering $27 million doesn’t seem like […]
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You probably guessed what #1 and #2 are – the U.S. and China. Any idea with #3 is? If you guessed cybercrime, you would be right. The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Global Risks Report 2020” states that cybercrime will be the second most-concerning risk for global commerce over the next decade until 2030. It’s also […]
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How much does cyber crime cost us anyway? I rant about it all the time, but really, in dollars, what does it cost? Different researchers give different answers and your mileage may vary, but here are some answers: Cybercrime makes, AT LEAST, $1.5 trillion more than the drug trade Cybercrime would rank as the 13th largest economy […]
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