
Senator to Introduce ‘Comprehensive’ Crypto Legislation

Senator Lummis from Wyoming plans to introduce legislation in early 2022 to attempt to rein in some of the wild west of the cryptocurrency world. Stay tuned. Rumor is that it will add investor protections, rein in stablecoins and create a self-regulatory body under the SEC and the CFTC. That might be a tall order […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 17, 2021

The Gift That Keeps on Giving – Log4j – List of Affected Vendors First, get used to hearing about this. It will be haunting us for months, at least. Jen Easterly, current head of DHS’s CISA and formerly at NSA and a professor at the US Military Academy at West Point says this may be […]

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Security News for the Week Ending August 20, 2021

Well That Seems Like a Bit Over the Top A pharmacist in Illinois faces up to 120 years in prison for selling dozens of (I assume blank) Covid vaccine cards. The pharmacist sold 134 cards to 11 buyers for roughly $1276. He is being charged with theft of government property. That seems like a stretch, […]

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Security News for the Week Ending October 30, 2020

Louisiana National Guard Called in to Help Local Election Officials According to tips, the state of Louisiana had to call out the National Guard after some number of small government offices across the state were hit by ransomware. Experts say the tools have the hallmarks of the North Koreans, so all of the major attackers […]

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Security News for the Week Ending April 17, 2020

Covid-19 Driven Online Shopping Encouraging More Skimming Attacks Since crooks go where the money is and since we are all doing a lot online shopping during the shelter in place directives, the crooks put two and two together to come up with an attack strategy. Malwarebytes says that they are seeing a 26% increase in […]

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Security News for the Week Ending August 23, 2019

Remember That Vague Client Alert Earlier This Week? For those of you who are clients, you received an out of cycle client alert on Tuesday (they usually come out on Wednesday) providing a copy of the Homeland Security Alert on the Sodinokibi ransomware going after Managed Service Providers or MSPs.   It now appears that the […]

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