
NY Court Is About to Rule on the Future of Crypto

If this seems hyperbolic, it may not be. In December 2020 the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Ripple, who provides infrastructure for cross-border payments and also its executives with conducting a 1.3 billion dollar unregistered security offering. The core of this is whether their XRP cryptocurrency is a security. Ripple has been fighting […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 4, 2020

France Says it is Going Ahead with Digital Tax France has been complaining that U.S. companies (mostly) have not been paying their fair share of French taxes since they are not selling widgets that delivered in France, so they came up with this digital tax, a 3% tax on digital services delivered in France. They […]

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Password Reuse A Problem – 11 Million Ashley Madison Passwords Cracked Already

After the Ashley Madison breach, everyone sighed a breath of relief because the passwords were encrypted with bcrypt.  Bcrypt, as used by Ashley Madison, hashed the password 4,096 times.  That calculation meant that even with fast computers it would take centuries to crack all of them. Until a group of hobbyists – yes hobbyists, not professional […]

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