
I Wonder How This Would Work in the US?

Laws are interesting. You may remember a few years ago when the FCC started fining telecom companies for allowing spam phone calls. Almost overnight the companies were able to flag “suspicious” or “suspected spam” calls. Money talks. In Australia, a new law makes banks, social media and telecom carriers LIABLE for scams. The law, called […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 25, 2020

First of all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. OCC, FRB and FDIC Propose New Rule – Tell Us If You Have a Security Incident The federal banking regulators are proposing a new rule that banks and tech companies that service banks need to report to their regulator within 36 hours if the have […]

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Security News Bites For Friday July 6, 2018

NSA Deleting All Call Detail Records (CDRs) Acquired Since 2015 While the NSA is not providing a lot of details about what went wrong, the NSA is saying that it is deleting all CDRs acquired since 2015 because of technical irregularities that resulted in it receiving data that, likely, would be illegal under the current […]

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Banks Bilked Out Of More Than $1 Billion

Reuters is reporting that Kaspersky Labs is working with Interpol, Europol and other law enforcement authorities to ferret out more details of the attack, but they have announced several details. Gene Kaspersky, founder and head of Kaspersky Labs is well known in white hat (good guy) hacking circles.  His public pronouncements, while sometimes flashy, usually […]

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New attack on ATMs

Krebs on Security is reporting a new method of extracting money from bank accounts.  So far, this has been reported as being accomplished in eastern Europe and Russia, but there is certainly no reason why this cannot be accomplished in the U.S. The group starts by sending spear phishing emails to bank employees that look […]

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