
I Wonder How This Would Work in the US?

Laws are interesting. You may remember a few years ago when the FCC started fining telecom companies for allowing spam phone calls. Almost overnight the companies were able to flag “suspicious” or “suspected spam” calls. Money talks. In Australia, a new law makes banks, social media and telecom carriers LIABLE for scams. The law, called […]

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Worried Your Kids Spend Too Much Time on Social Media? Move to Australia!

The good news for politicians is that kids under 16 can’t vote. They are about to propose a law that would **BAN** kids under 16 from social media. No exceptions. No “its okay if my parents say it is ok”. Gone! Bye-bye. The Australian Prime Minister unveiled the world-leading plan to set a minimum age […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 2, 2022

Cryptocurrency Collapse Continues Cryptocurrency lender and financial firm BlockFi filed for bankruptcy as the Ponzi scheme called Cryptocurrency continues its uncontrolled collapse. FTX was supposed to bail them out, but guess what – that is unlikely to happen. Withdrawals are “paused” for now, another term for you are screwed. Also remember that if you have […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 3, 2021

Australia Proposes Law To Force Online Platforms to Disclose User Info Australia plans to introduce legislation that will force social media companies to either take down posts that people don’t like or hand over their user’s information. This isn’t law yet, but I can easily see how this will be gamed. This comes in the […]

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Security news for the Week Ending September 20, 2019

A New Trend?  Insurers Offering Consumers Ransomware Coverage In what may be a new trend, Mercury Insurance is now offering individuals $50,000 of ransomware insurance in case your cat videos get encrypted.  The good news is that the insurance may help you get your data back in case of an attack.  The bad news is […]

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Security news for the Week Ending January 11, 2019

Australian Emergency Notification System Hacked The Australian Emergency Warning Network, run by a private company, was hacked.  The hacker sent out a message that said “EWN has been hacked.  Your personal data stored with us is not safe.  We are trying to fix the security issues.  Please email support at .. if you want to […]

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