
Security News for the Week Ending March 22, 2024

Like Everyone Else, Reddit Plans to Sell User Content to AI Model Devs Seeing dollar signs in their future, Reddit decided to “license” their user created content to AI developers to train their models. The FTC is investigating in light of Reddit’s planned IPO. Reddit says it isn’t breaking the law to sell their user’s […]

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Security News for the Week Ending March 8, 2024

Hacking and Stealing Your Car From the Outside Through Your Headlight Apparently this is real. Crooks can pop off the headlight trim on some cars and get access to the cables to your “smart” headlights. From there they have access to the data bus called the CAN bus and from there they can unlock and […]

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AI, Quantum Computing and Crypto – Not a Good Mix

Sorry, this is going to be a bit convoluted, so try to stay with me. First we had encryption. Things were good. Encryption was based on mathematically hard problems and computers could not do the math, even in, potentially, a hundred thousand years. Then came Quantum computing. Or at least it is coming. Or maybe […]

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Security News for the Week Ending February 16, 2024

FCC Bans Robocalls Using AI-Generated Voices This comes after someone generated thousands of robocalls pretending to be Joe Biden telling people not to vote. Unless they get express permission from the recipient of the call, which would, of course, defeat the purpose of the call. The FCC wrote the rule in a way that allows […]

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Security News for the Week Ending February 2, 2024

Myanmar Cyber Crime Bosses Handed to China You may remember that a couple of weeks ago I reported that the Myanmar government turned over control of the part of the country where Crime bosses were running various social engineering scams and human trafficking to the rebels who threatened to shut them down. Now there are […]

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UK Government Accused of Being Misleading on New Encryption Bill

Governments around the world, at best, tolerate encryption. If they thought they could outlaw it, they would. Public pronouncements that it is “about the children” or other fairy tales not withstanding, it is about them not being able to snoop at will. That is something that they have been able to do pretty freely until […]

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