
Security News Update for Week Ending June 14, 2024

Trump raised $12 million from crypto execs after he told them that if he is re-elected he would be the crypto-president and un/not regulate crypto. Telling people what they want to hear is always easy for politicians. He said that crypto is very important and he was supportive of the sector. He didn’t say why it was important – unless it is to speculate or commit fraud. Beyond that, why is unknown to me, but I would like to know his thoughts. Oh, yeah, and we need to generate more electricity – oil and coal powered – in order to do that. Credit: Cybernews

Troy Hunt’s Have I Been Pwned (Owned) is the ‘go-to’ service to find out if and often where your email has been hacked. Last week a researcher sent Troy 122 gig of data scraped from Telegram. It contained 2 billion lines, 361 million email addresses and 151 million emails that were not in Troy’s database before. If you have not checked out his site, do so, it may scare you. The sheer scale of crime on Telegram is scary. Credit: TroyHunt.com

Marsh said the number of claims they saw last year was a record 1800 claims. This is because the attackers are getting more sophisticated, privacy violation claims are added to the mix and big breaches like MOVEit. On the other hand, the percent of clients that paid a ransom was down from 30 percent to 23 percent. Credit: Dark Reading

The Federal Trade Commission warned automakers that it watching their data collection and sales practices. Very closely. They are particularly concerned about the sale of location and other “sensitive” data. The FTC has already shown that the inappropriate sale or use of what they consider sensitive data is a violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act. Watch your backs, automakers. Credit: The Record

As Meta and other tech firms scrape all of the artwork they can find without regard to whether it is copyrighted in order to feed their AI dream machines, artists are not standing by. A social app for creative types called Cara grew from 40,000 users to 650,000 users in a week. One that does not steal their art. Now they have to figure out how to pay for the computing resources. It does, however, indicate that people are not happy with the theft of their IP. Credit: Tech Crunch

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