There is an article in Slate that suggests that we should treat public computers like we treat public restrooms – very cautiously. I had never made that analogy before, but I do like it. Both public restrooms and public computers may harbor germs and viruses. Both may have been frequented in the recent past by […]
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ITWorld reported yesterday that a New York judge granted a warrant on June 11th that allowed the police to seize an entire GMail account, including the address book and drafts and sift though that to find what they were looking through. While this is no where near as bad as the NSA hoovering entire fiber […]
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It was reported yesterday that there are undocumented services in iOS that allow someone to bypass all of Apple’s security and encryption features. The researcher did not say that either Apple or the NSA were using these features, but…. The researcher, Jonathan Zdziarski, reported his findings at the HOPE/X conference in New York. According to […]
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Both the New York Times and USA Today reported on an interview with former NSA employee Edward Snowden that appeared in the Guardian. In the interview, Snowden says that NSA analysts do exactly what you would expect twenty something single guys to do when they come across sexually explicit pictures as part of looking for […]
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