I suspect that many of you have performed a factory reset on your phone thinking that all your data was gone and then either gave away or sold your phone. I have. Tech Times wrote an interesting article on the subject and it is not all sunshine in Android land. Avast, the computer security software […]
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USA Today is reporting a few more details about the Sony hack-attack. This is very scary and businesses need to consider if this could happen to them (the answer is yes) and if it does, how would they handle it. This is the kind of attack that would put many businesses out of business. Businesses […]
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Too many breaches … too little time 🙂 First a new breach – Bebe Stores (www.Bebe.com) confirmed that they had been breached, but not much else. They said it covered the US, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. They did say that it did not affect their online store (no POS terminal to compromise, I […]
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Home Depot reported today that it spent $43 million in it’s third quarter dealing with the fallout of it’s security breach earlier this year. Of the $43 million, $15 million will be paid for out of its $100 million cyber liability policy. From the press release: The retailer warned that it expects “to incur significant […]
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The insurance trade rag Property And Casualty 360 wrote about medical identity theft and the impact is staggering. First just one example breach – A physician office’s server, which contained unencrypted information on 2,500 patients, was hacked and encrypted. The hackers demanded $50,000 to unencrypt the information and return control of the server. That obviously, […]
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CORRECTION: I said below that the hackers stole 25 GB of data. According to CSO Online, they RELEASED 25 GB of data and this is only a fraction of what they stole. UPDATE: Brian Krebs (KrebsOnSecurity.com) is now reporting additional information: The attackers stole 25 GB of data The malware destroyed data on an unknown […]
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