While The Sony hack/attack continues to capture the media’s attention with new data releases which create drama – who got caught saying what when – Bloomberg is reporting that something very similar to that happened to the Sands empire in February of this year. Some of you are familiar with Admiral Rogers testimony (head of […]
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One of the items that got leaked in the Sony hack was the mailbox of Amy Pascal, the Co-Chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment. Here are some excepts from a Washington Times article. Among the leaked conversations int the email are a conversation between Pascal and producer Scott Rudin. The conversation goes something like this: Rudin: […]
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I am going to name 2014 as the Year Of The Crypto Bug. Does it seem to you that this year or so has revealed more than it’s share of cryptography oopsies? It does to me. So I started looking at what was found this year. In some sense, this is good news, but in […]
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Risk Based Security is doing a play by play of the Sony breach. Visit their website for a detailed analysis of what was stolen. I am going to just pick one little part of it, which is scary in and of itself. The fact that they found over a million unredacted socials is a business […]
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Charge Anywhere is a provider of credit card payment services for merchants. This week they announced that there were hackers found inside their network. The sad thing about it is that they admitted that the bad guys had been inside their network since November 2009. That is almost 5 years. They said that they only […]
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The Sony attack is breaking new ground (unfortunately). Part of what the hacker group GOP is doing in creating fear, uncertainty and doubt. They sent out an email to all Sony employees that read, in part (From The Verge): I am the head of GOP who made you worry. Removing Sony Pictures on earth is […]
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