While this is not exactly an “Internet Of Things” issue, it points out how long it takes to get things fixed and how the tail of a bug can live on forever. In the case of the Internet of things, people rarely patch their refrigerator, so that bug will live on until the refrigerator is […]
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The U.S. CERT, part of the Department of Homeland Security, has released an alert describing the malware that took Sony apart pretty effectively. Without going into a lot of detail, here is the high level overview: The malware takes advantage of Windows SMB (server message block) protocols that are common to all versions of […]
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According to Washington Technology, hackers have gone after Keypoint Systems, a contractor for The Office of Personnel Management that does background investigations for security clearances. If anyone has ever had a Department of Defense or other government security clearance, the information that you provide is extremely detailed. For example, for the DoD, the SF-86 form […]
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After 9/11, Congress passed TRIA, the terrorism risk insurance act. They did this after insurance companies paid out more than $40 billion in claims from 9/11 and reinsurers – the companies that backstop the insurance companies – withdrew from the market. When the reinsurance market dried up, insurers stopped covering terrorism claims. The result of […]
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After the Sony hack attackers threatened movie theatres and movie goers if theatres showed the Sony movie “The Interview”, Sony announced today that it was cancelling the release. USAToday put the production cost of this movie at near $44 Million, which Sony stands to lose if they do not release this movie, but the risks […]
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In light of the recent cyber incidents, small and medium sized business owners should be looking at their cyber readiness and asking “Am I safe from cyber attacks?”. Unfortunately, for many businesses, the answer is no. The Huffington Post wrote an article on the issue and I think that some of the points that they […]
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