
How to shut down an entire factory with one text message

Seems far fetched, but it is not. Of course, it is expensive.  It took Stephen Hilt almost two weeks and $400.  Of course that is the “quantity one” price.  With a little work and volume, the price would go down. Dark Reading is reporting that Stephen, who works for the industrial control security firm Digital […]

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SS7 flaws enable listening to cell phone calls and reading texts

SC Magazine is reporting that a flaw signaling System 7, the telephone industry standard for setting up, managing and tearing down phone calls allows anyone to listen in on cell phone calls, read texts and locate a user. Two separate researchers have identified the flaw and are going to demonstrate it at a hackers conference […]

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New attack on ATMs

Krebs on Security is reporting a new method of extracting money from bank accounts.  So far, this has been reported as being accomplished in eastern Europe and Russia, but there is certainly no reason why this cannot be accomplished in the U.S. The group starts by sending spear phishing emails to bank employees that look […]

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