HR 4681, the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2015 was signed into law on December 19th, 2014 and provides funding for the intelligence community until next September. The bill and now law contains one section – section 309 – that deals with the collection, retention and sharing of information collected by the intelligence community. Because […]
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I am certain we will see a number of people comment on what Sony shoulda/coulda/oughta have done and there is likely some truth in all of them. Here is one and my thoughts on it, from Data Breach Today. This is from a blog post by Matthew Schwartz. He makes 7 points, which I mostly […]
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Unlike the Sony breach in November, the group that took down Sony’s and Microsoft’s game network on Christmas (see article) seems to be very interested in getting attention. Hopefully enough so that the FBI finds them, but that is another story. What is more important is that the people who did this, according to Brian […]
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A presentation at the Chaos Communication Congress (a large hacker convention in Hamburg, Germany that attracted about 10,000 visitors this year – sort of, kind of, like Defcon here) demonstrated the ability to reproduce fingerprints of a target subject from just photographs. Reports in PC Magazine say that the researcher, Jan Krissler, took photographs of Ursula von […]
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Der Spiegel wrote an article on efforts by the NSA and GCHQ (their British equivalent) to crack encryption of various sorts. Take the article at what it is worth; it is based on documents that Snowden released, so it is a little bit old. I apologize that this post is pretty long, but there is […]
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BBC and others are reporting that a German steel mill was hacked. The report came not from the news media or the mill, but rather the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). As a result, not a lot of details are known, but the posting are new, so perhaps more information will come out […]
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