
Sony Pictures CEO Interviewed By AP

Michael Lynton, Sony Pictures CEO, gave the AP the most extensive interview since the  attack. Among other things, Lynton said that the hackers “They came in the house, stole everything, then burned down the house.”  He said “They destroyed servers, computers, wiped them clean of all the data and took all the data.” More importantly, […]

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Google Is Acting Like Apple – And NOT To The User’s Benefit

Google is a smart organization.  It has watched the stranglehold that Apple has over its users and has decided that it likes it.  Just like art imitates life, Google imitates Apple (and then says “who me?”). The issue at point is a bug found in the WebView rendering engine, used in all Android releases prior […]

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The Weakest Link

According to an article at Cult Of Mac, one of Apple’s suppliers, Quanta, posted Powerpoint documents with instructions on how to log in to a database containing confidential Apple documents on new, yet to be announced products. Apparently, the document contains default credentials, which it says, the business partner should change after they log in […]

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