PC World and others are reporting that Turn, the advertising group that I wrote about a few days ago, will stop using Verizon’s unique identifier to target advertising to Verizon customers in early February. The practice, which is completely legal, lets Turn track every web page a Verizon customer visits, even if they delete their […]
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I have written before about law enforcement’s creative use of technology to capture bad guys. The prior article talked about putting cameras on utility poles and intercepting cell phone traffic, both without a warrant. Today’s story, in USA Today, talks about the FBI, Marshall Service and U.S. Marshal’s use of a type of radar that […]
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For anyone who has listened to me over the last 10 years, this is old news. I have been saying that cyber security is no longer an IT problem, but rather a Board Room problem. Now I am getting some support from an interesting place. Gus Coldebella, former general counsel at the Department Of Homeland […]
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Michael Lynton, Sony Pictures CEO, gave the AP the most extensive interview since the attack. Among other things, Lynton said that the hackers “They came in the house, stole everything, then burned down the house.” He said “They destroyed servers, computers, wiped them clean of all the data and took all the data.” More importantly, […]
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Advertisers are working very hard to track your every movement and at least right now, they appear to be winning. Propublica writes about Verizon’s tracking cookie that they insert into every single web transaction that you do on a Verizon phone. They, in turn, have a deal with Turn who also works for Google, Yahoo […]
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The Swiss Bank BCGE was hacked, according to Network World, by a group of hackers who miscalculated a bit. The hacking group, Rex Mundi, has an M.O. of hacking businesses and then demanding a small ransom from the company in exchange for not publishing what they took. In this case, they hacked their way into […]
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