Well, maybe not a friend that you want to have, but they will likely get to visit the nation’s Capitol. Verizon has gotten way more press than it would like by inserting super-cookies into it’s customers web traffic to allow folks like the marketing giant Turn to build dossiers on Verizon customers and then sell […]
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IT World wrote a piece on how the cops caught up with the now convicted founder of Silk Road, Ross Ulbricht, AKA The Dread Pirate Roberts, the man who ran the dark web marketplace for everything from drugs to murder. The author goes into a lot more detail for those geeks who are interested. Curious […]
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Samsung’s Smart TV voice recognition works just like the voice recognition on your Android or iPhone – with one big difference and CNN is reporting on this today. On all of these devices, the device captures your voice, sends it over the internet and gets the text back the same way. It is not clear […]
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UPDATE: In a post on Dark Reading, they have added a few more details. The breach, they say, started December 10th, about two months ago. They detected the breach on January 27th and notified customers 8 days later. Compared to other breaches, that is very quick. While they are calling this by that overused term, […]
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It is being reported by several sources (see here) that iPhone and iPad users are being targeted as part of a massive cyber espionage campaign that is being linked, at least by one firm, to Russia. Operation Pawn Storm is using a specially crafted iOS app to quietly steal text messages, contact lists, location information, […]
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I just signed up for a cyber security newsletter with Mondaq, the big British publisher, and I got a confirmation email back after the signup. I get those all the time, so I didn’t really look at the email until later. Two things stand out in the email — First this: To choose your personal […]
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