
Company Bilked Out Of $17 Million in Spear Phishing Attack

Scoular Company, a $6 Billion, 800 employee commodities trading company got bilked out of a little more that $17 million in a modified spear phishing attack. Simply put, the attacker generated emails over time last summer to the company’s CFO that looked like they came from the company’s CEO and their Auditor that instructed the […]

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Director And Officer Liability

Brenda Sharton, Senior Partner and member of the executive committee at Goodwin Proctor (see bio) wrote this week about director and officer personal liability for data security breaches. While no individual directors and officers have been held liable for the costs of a data breach yet, it is not for lack of trying. Ms. Sharton’s […]

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FBI Says Most Businesses They Investigate Have Little To No Security

Pymts.com is reporting that the FBI says that most breaches are entirely avoidable. At the Online Trust Alliance’s Data Privacy And Protection Town Hall in New York City, FBI Special Agent George Schultzel said that over 90 percent of the companies who reported breaches to them had little to no security whatever. The FBI said […]

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