
Retailers Ask Congress To Fix The Cyber Security Problem

The National Retail Federation, in testimony before Congress (see article), said that the government should expand protections for debit card users (Federal protections for debit card users are less than for credit card users), pass a national breach notification law and boost prosecution for cyber crimes. The harder question is who is responsible for breaches.  […]

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Another SSL Attack – But Don’t Panic

SSL and TLS, the security protocols that protect most of our banking and ecommerce transactions is a complicated beast – more so due to the the many options it offers. ars technica in an article titled “Noose around Internet’s TLS system tightens with two new decryption attacks”, discussed a paper presented at Black Hat Asia that describes […]

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EU-US Privacy Safe Harbor May Be In Jeopardy

Max Schrems, whom I have written about before (see post) is continuing his fight against Facebook.  He first took his battle to the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) since Facebook Europe is based in Ireland, but the DPC declined to take the case, because, it said, it had no legal requirement to do so (meaning […]

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