
Why are companies losing the cyber breach battle?

Two articles in Bloomberg BNA today point to some of the reasons.  First, a panel at the ABA Business Law Section spring meeting said that boards have a fiduciary obligation to assure a reasonable information technology reporting system for cybersecurity threats and breaches.  They said that this can be an issue for some companies because […]

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Do you keep your car keys in freezer? Maybe you should!

A recent Network World article talks about the world of high tech auto theft. Using a $17 amplifier, thieves were able to boost the signal between your car and your key fob sitting on the kitchen table and convince your car to open up. The article has links to several other articles including one that […]

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Wall Street Needs Better Safeguards Against Hackers

The International Business Times is reporting that Benjamin Lawsky, New York State’s top bank cop surveyed 40 banks and found that fewer than half regularly inspect the security systems of their outside vendors.  Both the Target and Home Depot breaches were caused by compromised third party vendors. Regulators are concerned that light oversight of bank’s […]

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PCI Council Releases New Version of Payment Card Security Standard

The PCI Council normally releases a new version of the standard which governs merchants that accept credit cards once every three years.  Given that version 3.0 came out in January, everybody thought they were safe for a while.  Version 3.1 was released today and even though merchants have 14 months to become compliant, there is […]

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