
The Real Cost Of Cyber Breaches

The CPA association (AICPA)  in their Chartered Accountants Magazine (GGMA.Org) wrote about a survey that they did regarding consumer’s spending habits (see article).  Below is a summary of the survey results: 25% of Americans said they were victims of cyber attacks this year, up from 11% last year. 86% of Americans are concerned about whether […]

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Google Search Rules Changed Last Week

For those of you depend on Google search engine position for your business, the world changed last week. As of April 21st, 2015, Google is using mobile friendliness as a criteria in search engine rankings.  This affects mobile search (not your desktop) in all languages, world wide. Google has been saying that mobile friendliness is […]

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M&A Cyber Due Diligence Gaining More Momentum

McGuire Woods (McGuire Woods Firm Profile) writing this week says that cyber risk due diligence is an important part of the merger and acquisition process. In fact, they say, that failure to address these issues during due diligence could expose both buyers and sellers to a litany of adverse consequences (Cyber due diligence important during […]

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More Stingray cell site simulator stories

Ars Technica reported about yet another case where prosecutors dropped charges against 4 suspects who robbed 7 people, including one who needed 18 stitches, rather than disclose information about the use of a Harris Stingray. Or at least that’s what we think.  The cops told the press that is was not related to “technology” (preferring […]

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