As the courts wrestle with technology vs. the Constitution, the process has its up and downs. Last year the 11th circuit ruled that the government could not get cell phone location data without a warrant. That doing so was a violation of your fourth amendment rights. This year the same court overturned last year’s ruling […]
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Last week the FBI and DoJ testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on IT, asking for an encryption back door (or as the NSA has said they prefer, a front door). They did not get a very welcome reception. In fact, Rep Lieu suggested that they “just follow the damn […]
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Reports of Uber customers saying that they are being charged for rides that they did not take are beginning to surface in the United States (previous reports have been international). In at least some cases, Uber is refunding the cost if people contact them. Uber continues to claim that they cannot find any evidence of […]
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The WSJ is reporting that the bankers who were impacted by the Target and Home Depot breaches are fighting back. Usually, Mastercard and Visa negotiate a deal with the retailer who was breached and then dole out the money to the banks. The money seems to go to the big banks with the small banks […]
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A European security research group tested a group of 2,000 apps from the Play Store and found they connected to 250,000 different URLs from 2,000 different domains. They found one app in the sample, Music Volume Eq, an app designed to control volume, connects to almost 2,000 distinct URLs. The study said that about 10 […]
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I have written several items about cell site simulators or Stingrays. Dirtboxes are stingray-like devices hung from an airplane that DoJ agencies use to capture tens of thousands of cell phones as they fly over hundreds of miles. I said early on that it was going to be years before the crap hit the fan, […]
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