
European Court Of Justice To Rule Next Week On Max Schrems’ Case

For those of you (all 3 of you) who follow European privacy law, you can skip this post.  The rest may find it interesting. Max Schrems, who was an Austrian law student and now a lawyer has been battling Facebook in particular and claiming that they are violating E.U. law by their various privacy policies.  […]

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Systema Leaves Insurance Claims Data In The Cloud – Unprotected

Databreaches is reporting that someone discovered a large amount of data on a public segment of Amazon Web Services.  This person, described as a technology enthusiast (i.e. a geek) downloaded some of this data and discovered it contained medical claims data. The repository, which supposedly contained gigabytes of data was later identified to belong to […]

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The Target Breach Story – How Did They Let This Out?

Krebs On Security has extensive reporting of an investigation by Verizon conducted starting a few days after the Target breach was announced. Target has refused to confirm or deny the report . One thing to consider.  We do not know how Brian (Krebs) got the report, so all we can do is speculate. This report, in […]

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SEC Issues Risk Alert To Advisors and Brokers

Last week the SEC released what they call a Risk Alert to Investment Advisors and Broker-Dealers saying that they were concerned about the protection of client information because of recent attacks and attempted attacks against the financial community. In the alert, they laid out the very particular concerns they have in 6 specific areas and […]

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Adobe Patchs 23 Flash Flaws – Enough Is Enough

Adobe announced patches yesterday for 23 additional Flash vulnerabilities.  18 of these bugs can be used to run malicious code on the underlying computer. To see what version you are running, go to: WWW.Adobe.com/software/flash/about That web page will give you the version that you are running, the current version that you should be running and […]

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