
EU Begins To Digest ECJ Privacy Agreement

The Article 29  Working Party (WP29), the group that is responsible for dealing with the fallout from the European Court of Justice invalidation of the Safe Harbor Agreement, met for the first time since the decision to start sorting things out.  For companies moving data between the U.S. and the E.U., there were some good things […]

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NYSE Releases Free eBook On Cyber Risk

The New York Stock Exchange, in partnership with Palo Alto Networks, 40+ authors and The Security Roundtable, have published a free eBook entitled Navigating The Digital Age: The Definitive Cybersecurity Guide for Directors and Officers. While some might argue about the hyperbole surrounding calling it THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE, it does provide a lot of information […]

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Complying With State Privacy Laws

Businesses have long complained about complying with 46 different cybersecurity/privacy laws (plus the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands) and the lack of a national privacy law.    Alabama, Kentucky, New Mexico and South Dakota are the only states without such laws.  The states have fired back saying that a national […]

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