
Now the States Are Enacting AI Laws

First it was cybersecurity laws.

Then it was breach notification laws.

Then first generation privacy laws.

Then second generation privacy laws.

Now it is AI laws.

What is interesting is the velocity. It took over 15 years for all states to have a cybersecurity law.

We now have 17 or 18 states that enacted second generation privacy laws in just a couple of years.

States are now enacting AI laws and the feds might actually get into the act. The EU, as of this week, has an EU-wide AI law. Things are definitely moving much faster.

Colorado’s governor has signed their new AI bill. It is the first in the nation, but Minnesota’s bill is on the governor’s desk there and it will likely get signed too.

Here is what the bill says:

Developers of high-risk AI systems must use reasonable care to avoid algorithmic discrimination.

It will also require developers to disclose information about the systems to regulators and the public and complete impact assessments of such systems.

Not surprisingly, the tech lobby was against the bill.

The governor said that he has “reservations” about the bill even though he did sign it and encouraged lawmakers to improve it before it goes into effect in 2026.

While the Senate has not passed any AI bills yet, it did advance three election-related AI bills out of committee and there are other bills in the works. Credit: The Hill

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