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Google Detects Fake Data Breach Notices

In what has got to be one of the most creative attacks I have seen, security folks say that fraudsters are sending out fake data breach notices for big name companies.

The hackers are using Google’s Alert Service against itself. If a user creates an alert template for particular keywords or particular companies, the hackers are using Search Engine Optimization to make sure those notices are picked up and sent to the unsuspecting targets. Users may receive spam emails with malicious links in it. Think of all the different ways this weaponized payload could be delivered.

If the recipient clicks on the link, a page is loaded and malware is launched.

The attacks are very professional.

The user might get a page not found error – with a side of malware.

Or they might send the user to a bogus page on a compromised web site that is branded to look exactly like a page on a well known brand’s site announcing a breach – with a side of malware.

Some of the fake breach announcements align with real breaches. What this means is that someone hears about a breach in the news and then sees a fake announcement and opens it. Except that this announcement is really a malicious web page.

Some of the fake breach announcements include:

  • Target
  • Paypal
  • Dropbox
  • MGM
  • Chegg
  • Marriott

and others.

See this Bleeping Computer article for more information, but it is important to let your staff know to be wary.