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Last year a California superior court ruled that California could not enforce privacy rules implemented under it’s privacy law by the California Privacy Protection Agency until one year after the FINAL version of the regs were published.

This week the appeals court reversed that ruling and said they could start enforcing these rules now. In reality, because the legal system is designed to be a very slow slog, even if the appeals court did not reverse the ruling, enforcement could have started at the end of next month anyway.

More importantly, the ruling will allow the CPPA to start enforcing new rules immediately.

Rules that go into effect now include consumer opt-out approved mechanisms, mandatory requirements to honor consumers’ opt out preferences and consumer request handling.

If you do business in California and are not exempt, beware. If you are exempt, you might want to follow the rules anyway. Unless, of course, you enjoy being skewered on social media.

Credit: The law firm of Steptoe & Johnson