
Researchers Find 600,000 Servers Use Duplicate Encryption Key

PC World is reporting that researchers, looking for servers that were susceptible to the FREAK attack, found that some manufacturers have taken a shortcut when it comes to security. First, FREAK is an attack that allows attackers to force a encryption session between a user and a server to use a very weak 512 bit […]

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Ransonware Going After Small Business and Gamers

Dark Reading is reporting that due to the success of Ransomware, the sophistication of the attacks is growing.  As a reminder, ransomware infects a computer and encrypts the files on it.  If you pay the ransom, the attacker will usually give you the key to decrypt your files.  Ransonware is not very particular and can […]

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Enterprises Are Still Failing At The Security Basics

VentureBeat wrote an interesting item pointing out some of the obvious things that Target messed up.  Fixing these items won’t stop every attack, but it certainly would slow the attackers down. According to a lawsuit filed in federal court recently Target missed the ball on a few things.  Of course, at this point, these are […]

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