Git, the software used by millions of software developers to manage their source code – the crown jewels of most corporations – is vulnerable to two different attacks. The first bug would allow a malicious attacker to overwrite code in folders where they should not be. The second bug allows an attacker to read arbitrary […]
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When companies like Microsoft or Oracle develop software, they have massive teams who’s only job is to try and find bugs in the software. They also have made significant investments automated tools to help with software quality assurance. Still Microsoft usually patches 10-20 new bugs month after month. Oracle often patches 100 bugs a quarter. […]
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Anti Virus software has long been a concern of the security community. While it endeavors to protect the user’s workstation, in order to do it’s job, it requires a lot of system level permissions. This week, at least with Symantec, that came home to roost. Tavis Ormandy a researcher from Google announced that he’d found […]
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A Chinese researcher has “discovered” a Windows flaw which affects all versions of Windows released in the last 20 years. It does not require installing malware and it can be executed silently with near perfect success. While no one seems to be saying this, I wonder if the Chinese have known about this attack for […]
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Talk to Google or Facebook and they will tell you that they never met a piece of information that they did not want to add to their databases. More information means better profiles; better profiles mean that they can charge more for ads. But some Silicon Valley firms are rethinking that idea. Silicon Valley startup […]
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Do you use 7-Zip? Do you even know what it is? One of the challenges that businesses and consumers have is that, like sausage, they often do not know what is in the software that they use. As a result, they could be diligent about applying patches and still be exposed to hackers. In this […]
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